Jessica Vaughn, the Director of Policy Studies for the Center for Immigration Studies joins us to discuss her article:  The Non-Deported: ICE Still Releasing Criminal Aliens at a Rapid Pace

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has published an investigative report on violent criminals released by ICE. Aptly titled “Convicted, but free to roam: Giving little notice, federal authorities have released thousands of detained undeportable immigrants — sometimes with grave results”, the article tells the story of a rapist and a murderer turned loose by ICE. Such criminal alien releases are continuing at an alarming pace in 2015.

According to documents provided to the House Judiciary Committee for a hearing last month, ICE released 30,558 convicted criminal aliens in FY 2014. These individuals had been convicted of 79,059 crimes, including 175 homicides, 373 sexual assaults, 186 kidnappings, and 14,014 impaired driving offenses (see the listing of conviction categories here).

Read the rest of the article here