Curtis Ellis

Curtis Ellis is currently a columnist for World Net Daily, and Executive Director of American Jobs Alliance. He is a reporter, writer, and producer for Lou Dobbs Tonight, has written for CNN, CBS, and the Associated Press. Most recently, Ellis has founded

‘“A vote for Obamatrade on Tuesday is a vote to give the IRS more power and more incentives to go after small businesses,” said Curtis Ellis, founder of the website, in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News.’

ObamaTrade returns on Tuesday – Call Congress 202 224-3121 tell them Vote NO!

The House of Representatives will vote on Obamatrade – again! – on Tuesday. Call 2o2 224-3121 – tell Congress to vote NO!John Boehner and Barack Obama are pushing H.R. 1314, that will give Obama the power he needs to enact Obamatrade, the secretive TransPacific Partnership.In addition, H.R. 1314 will also raise taxes on small businesses to fund a wasteful welfare…